Creativity is the courage to express your heart and mind exactly as they are...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Beautiful Saturday in the Midwest

Well, I woke up this morning to fresh air and plenty of sunshine. Just the kind of thing to make you think your day might end up being something special. I was the first one up this morning (as usual!) and had a nice quiet opportunity to spend some "me" time before the hustle and bustle began.

The kids and I were up and running when Jim and Wyatt returned from their overnight Science Center trip and I was out the door to my friend Carla's house for a few hours to work on brochures for the Barn Quilt project. It was a nice visit with some time to catch up on the "goings on" around town.

I came home to yet another phone call that I wasn't really prepared to take. It seems there has been more news concerning the two "coordinators" who left our quilt group and their incesstant "gossip" about me around town. The latest is that they've been to the local hospital to publicize the fact that they're no longer part of the group and to lay blame on me in an attempt to get the hospital staff "against" me in preparation for next year's quilt show. Geesh. When I expressed my disgust to Jim, he once again reiterated that anyone who knew me KNEW BETTER and that the only asses they were making were of themselves. I guess I know that...but I really feel this situation is getting out of hand and ridiculous. And the kicker is ~ I don't know how to stop it in an adult manner. The child in me wants to lay down on the floor and scream, egg their house or beat them up on the street...but that probably wouldn't go over too well, now, would it?!?! LOL

Anyway, it was nice to come home to my own environment where I'm assured that people love me and that I really AM okay. :) We had a late lunch about 2pm and then I put Afton down for a nap while the boys watched a movie. I laid down for a bit, too, but the swirling thoughts in my mind wouldn't let me rest so I'm up again and in my office cleaning. Jim's outside doing some clean up work in the yard and getting ready to run the manure spreader in the Adzuki field again. He told me if I could find someone to watch the kids tonight, he'd take me out for dinner! I know it's his way of trying to make me feel better :)

Here's to an uneventful, relaxing, enjoyable evening!



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