Creativity is the courage to express your heart and mind exactly as they are...

Monday, November 05, 2007

Where DOES the time go?

Of course, we all know that's a facetious statement. Time DOES march on...whether we want it to or not. Consider this: my "baby" is now almost 11 years old. Son #2 will be 7 this month (birthday party at the "vacation house" this weekend). Daughter number 1 is three and a half. Youngest daughter is now 15 months. Didn't I just give birth to these babies?!!?!

Ah, such, it's been since September since I last posted. I never lack for anything to do, mind you, it's just that, well, for whatever reason, this blog has fallen to the bottom of the priority list. I think part of it is that I have lots of other blogs that I try to read on a weekly basis and those people ~ their LIVES ~ just seem so darned *interesting*!!!!! Mine just seems so hum-drum. Most days, it's wake-up, get the boys off to school, get the girls up and going, spend all day with the girls doing "girly-girl" stuff (mostly related to Hello Kitty, baby dolls and telephones), wait for the boys to come home from school, make dinner, get the kids ready for bed, fall into bed exhausted and still try to find some time to please the hubby :)! Add (on certain days), dance class for daughter #1 (I said I'd never do it!!!), 4-H for both of the boys, homework, get it...I know you do :)

On the quilting front, I've been quite busy, although there are no pictures to show you today because I can't find the camera cord to connect it to the computer. :( But I'll tell you a bit about what's been going on.
On Pat Sloan's list, I've been participating in a 'gridded' Round Robin based on Pat's book, "It's Your Turn ~ Round Robin Fun". It's a great book and really neat concept if you're tired of the traditional "add-a-round" Round Robins. I haven't received mine back yet ~ seems as though everyone in my group is a little behind (including me!) but can't wait to get it back. I have a couple of pics of the ones I've been working on, but they're stuck on the camera right now...

Several members of my quilt group got together to make a friendship quilt for another member who hasn't been feeling up to par lately. The center block is based on Amy Bradley's "Spool Flowers" quilt and the rest is made up with cuddly chenille and plain blocks. I'll post a pic as soon as I get the camera situation resolved...

For ME...I think I've finally gathered all of the necessary materials for Verna Mosquera's "Vintage Valentine" quilt

and plan to start on that after the first of the year. Of course, that is only ONE of the many that are on my "TO-DO" list... I'm using alot of Robyn Pandolph's florals and am going to make some of the flowers (shown above in white) using Clover's new y0-yo maker to give it some dimension. I hope to post my progress on it as I get going...

Hubby and I flew to Houston at the end of October to attend International Quilt Market. While there, we met with Melanie Hurlston & Rosalie Quinlan from Australia (Melly & Me and Rosalie Quinlan Designs...see their patterns on my other website), Anni Downs from Hatched and Patched (hope to start carrying her things soon!), Pat Sloan, Mark Lipinski (from Quilter's Home magazine), Janell Cleveland and her sister from Lasting Treasures, Elaine Waldschmitt from The Quilted Closet, Judy Martin, Verna Mosquera from The Vintage Spool, Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts, and a host of others...It was a great time (as usual) and there are SO many really neat things coming out SOON. Check your LQS for new products...the fabrics, notions and patterns are absolutely FABULOUS! :)

I'll have pics from Market to share soon...

Hope everyone's start to November is Fan-tab-u-lous! The holiday season is upon us (as evidenced by all of the Christmas stuff in the stores...even BEFORE Halloween! UGH!)...

Join in the happiness of the season and count your blessings!

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Blogger Nana's Quilts said...

You are very busy and your days are quite full! Just keep us posted on what's going on - and find that camera cord so we can see, too! I got to go to Houston last year and it was quite amazing. Maybe next year? Took some fun classes and bought a lot (no, I haven't used it all yet, either!)

Gearing up for the holidays. Enjoy!

10:50 AM

Blogger Pat said...

It is good to see you back. I check your blog often. I think that is sounds like you have a very busy life. I also hope you find your cord. I love the pictures.

7:41 AM

Blogger KC Quilter said...

With four kids, I can imagine how hard it is to find time for much of anything besides cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc!!!!! Anxious to see your Valentine quilt as you progress on it. It's a favorite of mine.

1:41 PM

Blogger Jo Raines said...

Friends of mine made the Valentine's quilt and it is stunning. I know what you mean about other people's lives and blogs being more interesting. I feel that way too sometimes! And busy.

12:25 PM


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