Creativity is the courage to express your heart and mind exactly as they are...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Pics!

Blogger is finally cooperating once again. Above is a full picture of the Round Robin quilt I mentioned in my last post. It was a labor of love with new techniques all around for fix embellishments, lots of embroidery and my own version of Stack-n-Whack corners. Turned out nice, tho...don't you think?

Now I'm on to the final one...done up in 30's prints. I have NO idea what I'm going to do to it yet but had better get's due on September 21st when we will all exchange and get our own back. I can hardly wait!

And here's a new pic of my new little one. She is SO funny and makes the most hilarious faces!! She is sleeping well and has grown an inch and gained back 1 pound 12 ounces since we left the hospital. I feel extremely lucky with her as we've had no feeding issues and she nurses like a champ! I hate to say that she is sleeping longer stretches at night because I'm afraid I'll jinx myself...but she is and it's great!! LOL

And here's my favorite picture of all of my children together...on the day they came to the hospital to meet their new little sister. I haven't been able to catch them all sitting in the same spot with her since!! LOL

Speaking of the started here today. My oldest started 3rd grade and my second oldest will start kindergarten on Friday. I love that they're growing up, but having a new baby in the house just brings back that realization of how FAST they're growing up. As of Monday next week, I will only have two at home and the other two will be in school all day every day.

And J had his consultation appointment yesterday for the big "V" which is now officially scheduled for the 7th of September. I know we've discussed it and yes, we've agreed that it's time, but there's still a little, tiny part of me that's sad that the childbearing part of our lives will be over. I absolutely ADORE my kids and they are beautiful (yes, I know I'm biased)...I've always said that their beauty was proof positive that J and I have always belonged together. Speaking of which ~ today is the 22nd anniversary of the day we first started dating. I can't believe it's been 22 YEARS. We have been together longer than our parents had us as children separately. I'm proud to say that we know each other inside and out but we still find new things to discover about each other all of the time. I guess that proves that we all grow and change continually. :)

I'll post our other big NEWS in a's not great unless you have the photos to go with it and Blogger isn't playing nice again right now!!!



Blogger KC Quilter said...

Very nice quilt! And very precious children!!!

5:33 PM


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